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HU Xiaolian 

Vice Chairman of China Center for InternationalEconomic Exchanges and

 Former Chairwoman of theExport-Import Bank of China







Q: Global inflation has eased amid moderating energy prices, and the interest rate hike cycle in developed economies has basically come to a close. How much room do developing countries have for macro policy maneuver to achieve economic growth, employment and price stability?

A: While the global economic environment in 2024 has generally eased compared with last year, developing countries have yet to reap any significant benefits. Some developing countries are energy suppliers, and the decline in energy prices has reduced their income and posed greater challenges to their fiscal balance. Although inflation in developed countries is easing, it will still take time for interest rates to fall; developing countries remain in a high interest-rate environment, with high financing costs and debt repayment pressures that have not been fundamentally alleviated. The exchange rates of developing countries are still under pressure, and the risk of capital outflow remains. Overall, developing countries have limited room for maneuver in terms of fiscal, monetary, and other macro policies, and there are few tools available to stimulate growth. China is one of the few exceptions. Its economic cycle is significantly different from that of most countries, and it has considerable room for maneuver in terms of macro policy tools to respond to cyclical factors. However, the deep-seated challenge lies in structural factors. Generally, the effectiveness of traditional policy tools has declined. Only by comprehensively deepening reforms and stimulating the vitality of all factors can China inject greater impetus into its economic development.

Q: As major economies end their interest rate hike cycle, what is the trend in global debt? How should we assess the impact of debt vulnerability on global economic stability and growth?

A: In the past few years, the debt vulnerability of low-income countries and the least developed countries has increased significantly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, intensified geopolitical risks, and the outbreak of high inflation in Western countries. The debt suspension measures adopted by the international community to ease the debt repayment pressure of these countries and prevent economic and social instability have achieved positive results. The global debt vulnerability outlook for this year is positive. Firstly, developed countries currently account for two-thirds of global debt, while emerging market countries account for about one-third. Developed countries have adopted timely and effective measures to deal with latest bout of high inflation, maintaining momentum in their economic growth while inflation dropped rapidly and significantly, and their debt ratios have continued to decline. Secondly, in the past few years, the new debt of both developed and developing countries has been mostly incurred by a handful of major large economies. These economies have solid foundations and strong governance capabilities. Although their debts have increased significantly, they have strong debt management and repayment capabilities. Thirdly, the pressure on debt vulnerable economies has eased with the peaking of global market interest rates and as international debt relief efforts take effect. Therefore, in the short term, the global debt problem will no longer have a decisive impact on global economic stability and growth, nor will it create systemic risk. In the medium to long term, continued efforts will be required to uphold and expand global allocation of resources in accordance with market principles, support and facilitate cross-border investment, and build smooth and efficient industrial and supply chains, thereby helping low-income countries integrate into globalization, share development dividends, enhance their development capabilities, and fundamentally reduce their debt vulnerability.


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